Want to have a fab asymmetrical hijab look? Watch this tutorial..

Asymmetrical Hijab Style and Tutorial

Asymmetrical look in hijab style has been on trend lately..

If I'm not mistaken, this style was first introduced by Rabia Zargarpur, a renowned Muslimah clothing designer from Dubai, UAE, with her signature gathered top sheyla.
Rabia Z. Signature Gathered Top Sheyla
Rabia Z. signature gathered top sheyla (it's on sale now on her site)
Then after she introduced this style and wore it herself, I noticed that some online shops followed to produce shawls/scarves which imitating her designs.

And not too long ever since, following the blooming of these asymmetrical draped-look shawls, there are a mass production of asymmetrical inner scarves, especially in Indonesia, with this kind of "ruffle" on the forehead which gives an illusion of asymmetric.

Salsabeela by Ollie, a Muslimah-clothing online shop based in Indonesia, also designed and produced this kind of "hair bangs" inner scarves.

Black Rose Stripes
Salsabeela's crown and Salsabeela's polem

Some people thought this style can make you look younger instantly.. ;)

Nowadays, particularly in hijab shops in Indonesia, there are lots of variation and modification on this asymmetrical hijabs, either on the scarves/shawls themself or on the inners.
Salsabeela Polem Ninja
Salsabeela's polem in a form of inner ninja
Some of these asymmetrical hijabs/inner-scarves came up with the addition of jewelry or beads embedded on them, like these ones from NuHijab:

You can get these NuHijab looks on Style Plum.

So.. now you can choose, to simply buy the instant asymmetrical-look scarves; Or, make your own by following this tutorial, taught by the renowned beautiful Sister Amenakin of Pearl Daisy.

This wrap from Amenakin was called Asymmenakin.. ;)

Below are one of her looks using this wrap style..

This is also one of my favorite looks of her.. Looks very stylish and beautiful as always, doesn't she? :)
(Video and photos credit: Amenakin of Pearl Daisy Ltd.)

My DIY (Do-It-Yourself):
Make your own asymmetrical hijab look by making a ruffle on the forehead-side of your inner scarf or your hijab, then sewing the ruffle to make the ruffle stay in shape... Voilaaaa!!! You now have an asymmetrical-look hijab/inner.

You can add beads, a bow from ribbon, or knitted flower, by sewing it right on top of the ruffle to spice up the look.. ;)

So, what do you think, lovelies? Which one do you like, the symmetrical or asymmetrical hijab style?

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