For Jogjakarta Readers: Fashion Lunch and Giveaway!

Already have a plan where to go this Saturday, April 23rd, 2011?
If you haven't and live in Jogjakarta, let's come enjoying this interesting event?

In regard to Kartini's Day, APPI (Asosiasi Perempuan Profesi Indonesia) will hold a FASHION LUNCH,
showcasing clothing lines, especially 'Kebaya' (Indonesian women tradisional clothing), from several well-known designers in Jogjakarta, and a Muslimah Bridal Fashion Show by the Arts and Design's students of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY).

R.A. Kartini, wearing 'kebaya', and her husband in 19th century.

Not only Fashion shows, there will be also a motivation talk on Entrepreneurship, Bazaar, plus...  heaps of random giveaways during the event! From scarves, 'Batik' cloth, shawls, beauty class voucher, laundry vouchers to chocolates! :)

Venue: Royal Garden Resto, Jl. Pekapalan no.7, Yogyakarta
           (at the North of Alun-Alun Utara Keraton Yogyakarta)
Time: 11.00 am - finish

Interested to attend? Buy the ticket/invitation card (IDR 50.000,-/person); this includes lunch and coffee break. Note: The ticket/invitation card MUST BE brought up to this event!

The tickets/invitation cards are available at:
  • Griya Rasu'an, Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar 68 A
  • DENTES Klinik Gigi, Jl. Monjali
  • BC. SOPHIE MARTIN, Jl. Diponegoro
  • COKELAT ROSO, Jl. Sultan Agung 46
  • YAM Models, Jl. Mangkuyudan

Or, the tickets box at Royal Garden Resto, Jl. Pekapalan 7, just before the event starts.


To show my appreciation for you, Lovely Readers, who have willing to spare your time to attend this event, I have a special gift for one lucky winner, which I'll choose randomly.

Here is the gift:

One beautiful scarf and two little 'kendil's (clay pot) full of chocolates from Cokelat Roso, one of the sponsors of this event.

The Roso Chocolates are available in mango flavor, apple flavor, sugar-and-tamarind flavor, 'jamu' (traditional herbal drink) flavor, etc., even chili flavor.

How to enter this giveaway competition:

Attending this event and fill out the Guest Book on the frontdesk during the event (there will be 2 guest books, so fill out the one that specialized for Fashioning Faith's Readers) with:

1. Your name
2. Email address ( I need your email only for contacting you if you win)
3. Following Fashioning Faith's Updates via .......... (Fill in the blank with: Facebook/Twitter/Email Subscription/RSS/BlogLovin')

I will announce the winner on Sunday, April 24th, 2011.

Sooo... Dress up and have fun, Lovelies!  ^_^

As an addition, this is a bit history of KEBAYA (source:

A Kebaya is a traditional blouse-dress combination worn by women in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Burma, Singapore, southern Thailand. It is sometimes made from sheer material and usually worn with a sarong or batik kain panjang, or other traditional woven garment such as ikat, songket with a colorful motif.
The kebaya is the national costume of Indonesia, although it is more accurately endemic to Javanese, Sundanese and Balinese people.

The earliest form of Kebaya originates in the court of the Javanese Majapahit Kingdom as a means to blend the existing female Kemban, torso wrap of the aristocratic women to be more modest and acceptable to the newly adopted Islam religion. Aceh, Riau and Johor Kingdoms and Northern Sumatra adopted the Javanese style kebaya as a means of social expression of status with the more alus or refined Javanese overlords.

The name of Kebaya as a particular clothing type was noted by the Portuguese when they landed in Indonesia. Kebaya is associated with a type of blouse worn by Indonesian women in 15th or 16th century. Prior to 1600, kebaya on Java island were considered as a sacred clothing to be worn only by royal family, aristocrats (bangsawan) and minor nobility, in an era when peasant men and many women walked publicly bare-chested.

Fashioning Faith's Updates are on Twitter - Facebook - RSS - BlogLovin


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