How to fix your 'too tight/too loose' ninja headdress

Tips and Tricks

One styling key that becomes so trendy nowadays amongst young urban Muslimahs who wear hijab in Indonesia is the using of ninja headdress as an inner hijab.

By using a ninja headdress, your hair, neck, upper bosom, and part-of-shoulder area would be get covered (that's why it's so-called "ninja" ^_^ according to how it looks), allowing you to have a free choice on how you would wrap your headscarf.

If you have no idea yet about what kind of headdress that is, you can read the details about it here, on my previous post.

But the big problem that many of these Muslimahs face while they are using ninja headdress is it becomes loose easily around the face after had been worn many times or after had been washed.

I notice that many of these Muslimahs have no idea to fix this out. Some of them will just leave their ninja headdress alone in their wardrobe, unwearable.. Others, keep wearing it by the help of pins. They pull off the fabrics to the both side of face, left and right, and then pin the excessive fabrics to both side; Or, pull the fabrics down and pin the excessive fabrics below the chin.

This is not practical and not neat to be seen :)

I found the solution to fix this up from the shop where I bought mine, Claroshop. As one of the online shop which sell this kind of headdress, Claroshop had wrote a tips on how to fix this problem about several months ago. I have tried it myself and it worked really well for me.

So, for you who thinks that your ninja headdress can not be worn because it's too tight or too loose, here is the tips from Claroshop:
Trick and tips.
Spandex is one of material that we using for head cover. If your head cover become elastic when after imposed many times, you don’t have to be sad because you think it can't be used again.

Don’t worry, we will give you solution for your head cover:
  • If you feel too tight to wearing HC (= ninja headcover), you can open a thread at point of left and right on your cheek.
  • And, if it's too loose, you don’t have to need a pin to make tight, just sewing the tip of the left and right cheek on your head cover (sew about 1-2 cm depend how loose or tight you want).

    The tips is very easy to do.. You can sew it manually or by sewing machine as well.

    Hope the tips can help you out! :)

    Happy weekend.

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