Fashion "Rescuer" come on TV

Style Covered TV
to solve you fashion crises...

StyleCovered TV - Real life TV show

A famous and well-known style blog that caters for inspirations on covered/modest style especially for Muslim women, StyleCovered, is about to launch their TV (television) version.

Hana Tajima Simpson, the author of StyleCovered, announce this on her newest post on her blog.

This TV show will show you any tips and tricks on fashion, style make-over, and solutions to solve your style-problems. As Hana said:
Are you stuck in a style rut? Are you having trouble dressing to fit your personality? Does the mere mention of fashion make you want to run and hide ?  Are you addicted to designer labels?… Cue ‘Clueless’ style makeover montage!  I’m here to help you find your style, one that fits your personality and makes you walk a little taller.  We’ll take all your style woes and make them disappear with the help of my magic wardrobe.

It's a real-life TV show!... and all of you can participate in this project, but it mostly will take places in SouthEast Asia and the UK!

Soo... for hijabers from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, and the UK, particularly, this is a golden opportunity for you... to bring up your style problems, get feedback and solutions from Hana and her magic wardrobe... ;) , show up on TV! ;) , and at the same time help other girls with the same style problems as yours find the solution!

To get the details about this exciting TV Show and how to participate, check Hana's style blog,

Hana is eagerly awaiting to receive your emails.. :)

And.. do let me know if you are chosen to take part... I would be soo happy for you and awaiting for your show on TV!.. ^_^

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