In my city, Yogyakarta, square hijab/scarf is the most popular hijab worn by hijabis. And usually they wrap the hijab in the same style, from day to day: they fold a square hijab/scarf diagonally until it becomes a triangle shape, and then they wrap it on the head in the same style like this:

There are a very little variations in how they wrap the square hijab. Or, (this one is also popular) they just wear a ready-to-wear hijab/headscarves with a very limited in variations, too.
Sometimes, or in a special occassion, on the top of the square hijab (after it wrapped on the head) or on the top of ready-to-wear hijab, they put some decorations or accessories, or they do some layering, to make "this same style" prettier.
Pashmina doesn't so popular here. As far as I know, there are just two or three hijab stores that sell pashmina, includes the big stores. Most of them, sell square scarves and ready-to-wear hijab... and also at the local market, most of hijab they sell is ready-to-wear hijab.
I think one of the reasons pashmina doesn't very popular here is because mostly the pashmina have a quite thicker textile-material compare to scarves. It doesn't suit to the hot weather here, and also its basic wrap. Pashmina's basic style usually worn by rolling it up on the head two times, so it would be thick and lots of layer. I think, we should introduce lots of summer-style pashmina here... :) with a thinner pashmina's material, of course.
Rectangle hijab is also rare here. Mostly just the old women wear rectangle hijab with a bonnet underneath.
Below is the video from Amena, a very inspiring lady, that shows us how to wrap a square hijab in asymmetrical style. Before I watch this video from Amena, I think that a square hijab/scarf has a very limited style, compared to rectangle hijab or pashmina. But, after I watch this video, I'm impressed. It's a very unusual wrapping for the people here, but it looks beautiful. Very inspiring! We could experiment with a square hijab to create many of beautiful unusual-style.
If you interested in how to have a unique asymmetrical scarfing with a square hijab, you should watch this video tutorial. Plus, there is a bonus from Amena... Makeup Tutorial! :)
Here is the video:
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