Are you the next generation of Muslimah Fashion designer?
SilkRoute StyleIn! Jilbab/Abaya Design Competition!
It would be an awesome feeling to wear a jilbab, or an abaya, or a maxi dress, designed exactly what you want it to be. Especially if the design get compliments by well-known designers, such as Rabia Z and Muna Abu Sulayman, and get an appreciation from people who love it and want to wear it, too!
So, if you like sketching and designing clothes, if you want to make your dreamed jilbab/abaya come true, or if you just want to test your capability on fashion designing; whether you are a professional designer or not; you can join
StyleIn! Competition held by
SilkRouteClothing and
SilkRoute, an Islamic clothing brand based in London UK, and supported by their main distributor in the UK, Islamic Design House, is back on the search for that special someone who can fuse modesty and fashion flare and create an iconic jilbab/abaya design for their next Spring collection. Now, they are gearing up for their second global jilbab design competition. Muslims from around the world can join.
By being participate in this competition, you will have a chance to win this big prize:

- £500 cash
- Work with the head designer, Adnan Khalid, in watching your design come to life, ready to be sold in SilkRoute new Spring 2012 collection
- 6 months paid internship with the silk route design team
- Fashion features in numerous Muslimah Fashion magazines! (Sisters, Aquila Asia, Emel Magazine, ALA Magazine, Azizah, Gulnara, Hijabi, etc.)
Along with a chance to have your design work judged by the noted Muslimah wear designers, Rabia Z and Muna Abu Sulayman as part of the judging panel! Yeyy.. and the best part is you can wear your dreamed abaya :)
There will be also the second and the third winners, with 7 runners up, which each of them will have awesome prizes, too!
The website about this competition has just launch. Here it is: can see the details about this competition on the site.
Competition has now officially started!.. Get your design in from July 14th, 2011, until August 1st, 2011. Submit your jilbab design at: It is one entry per person.
How will you submit? You will need to upload a picture of your design work onto the site.
Sharpen your pencil, get creative and start sketching! :)
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